Bættar samgöngur og færri bílastæði

Bættar samgöngur og færri bílastæði

Bættar almenningssamgöngur milli hverfa og kjarna myndu gera fleirum kleift að skilja bílinn eftir heima. Þá er einnig hægt að fækka bílastæðum og nýta land sem fer undir bílastæði betur. Bílastæði ættu frekar að vera í skugga.


Hugmynd frá fundi vinnuhóps

If the busses are not accomodating, they are not used; if they are not used they are less invested in; if they are less invested in they are less accomodating etc. I for one would love more frequent commute to and from Fjörðurinn or Hnífsdalur, two routes that are just short enough to not justify taking a car and just long enough to make it hard to walk. Besides the school hours there's no way to go to the other towns all around Ísafjarðarbær, impacting their tourism revenue, among other.

I can't believe this is the only post about the state of public transport in this town and can only approve any improvement in that matter

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